RS611 / RS612

Outdoor Wall Mount Motion Detector


RS611 / RS612 wall mount motion detectors bring energy saving and automatic lighting control / intelligently with ease and comfort. Lights are switched on only when needed and automatically, for all kinds of indoor and outdoor applications. 

Model Name RS611XA2 / RS612XA2
Product Name Wall Mount Motion Detector
Rated Voltage 220V-240VAC, 50Hz
Operating Temperature -20°C to +40°C
Rated Load Fluorescent 400VA/250W
Energy saving & LED 250VA/200W
Rated Protection IP55
Detection Range Front 12m at 2.4m height, 20°C
Detection Angle RS611XA2 (110°)
RS612XA2 (220°)
Time Setting 35s ~ 20m
Lux Setting 5 ~ 1000 lux
Operation Mode / Function Auto
Accessory Backplate with quick connector for easy installation
Corner Bracket for inward corner / Outer corner installation
Oneline Help